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National Professional Qualifications (NPQs)

National Professional Qualifications (NPQs)

APPLY NOW for the Autumn 2024 cohort

We are proud to work with Best Practice Network (BPN) and Church of England Foundation for Educational Leadership (CEFEL), to deliver the full suite of National Professional Qualifications (NPQs).

CHANGES TO FUNDING: DfE funding has changed for the National Professional Qualifications (NPQs) commencing in Autumn 2024. Only a small number of NPQs will continue to be funded for all teachers and leaders from publicly funded schools and these programmes are:   

  • NPQ for SENCOs (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinators)
  • NPQLPM (National Professional Qualification Leading Primary Maths)
  • NPQH (National Professional Qualification for Headship)
  • Early Headship Coaching Offer (EHCO) (If you are in your first 5 years of headship in England in a state-funded school or state-funded 16 to 19 organisation. You should also be doing or have done the headship NPQ.  

FUNDING ELIGIBILITY FOR REMAINING NPQ's: Scholarship funding will be available to those schools with the highest proportion of pupils eligible for pupil premium funding, or 16 to 19 settings with ‘high disadvantage’. 

APPLY NOW!  The application deadline to apply for scholarship funding for all programmes is 1st July 2024. The DfE have introduced a ‘cap’ on the number of scholarship funded places nationally for all NPQs so early application, before the deadline date, is strongly advised. 

PLEASE NOTE: Being eligible and applying for scholarship funding by the deadline date of 1st July, does not guarantee you will secure funding, due to the limited number of funded places available.

See further information and application links via the BPN and CEFEL links under ‘In this Section’